Monday, June 12, 2017

How To Retain More From The Books You Read In 5 Simple Steps

1: Have A Purpose:
I strongly believe that the content of books should align with what’s going on in your life. Only read books that teach you how to overcome your current challenges.

2: See Yourself As A Teacher:
Sharing knowledge is a great application. You might not be a teacher, but if you act like one, you’re already applying knowledge

3. Highlight & Make Mental Connections:
The more connections you make between pieces of information in your brain, the better you remember it. I do that by making a lot of notes. just don’t forget to highlight interesting passages.write down why you highlighted something, not always but for important notes.

4. Visualize & Imagine:
Another great way to make connections in your mind is by visualizing what you’re learning. I imagine myself sitting together with a friend and talking about the subject. Or, when I read a piece of useful advice, I visualize myself actually doing that thing.

5. Immediately Apply One Piece Of New Knowledge.
Ask yourself: How can I grow? That can be personally, financially or spiritually.Understand that growth doesn’t happen by itself. it all takes hard work.But you can make that growth a lot easier if you apply the things you learn in books.

"Remember: Knowledge alone is completely useless."
You must go out there and apply things you learn.. always ask yourself this after you finish a book. “What’s the one thing I’m going to apply after reading this book?”. it’s about what you do with your knowledge, not about how much you have. Don’t read more. Read smarter.